Fitness Facts

  • by QMartin

Is It OK To Workout On An Empty Stomach?

Like many work out techniques, people have differing opinions about exercising on an empty stomach. Some exercise enthusiasts insist that you should eat something before a heavy workout. On the other hand, other gym warriors believe you need nothing before getting down with your routine. With these opposite opinions, what should you believe? Let’s take…

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  • by QMartin

10 Common Nutrition Myths That Could Be Holding You Back

When it comes to your nutrition, there are many myths that we all tend to believe. Whether it comes from smart advertising or long-held assumptions, we may consume or avoid certain foods in our diets. However, studies are showing that some of these foods have more benefits than previously thought. So take a look and…

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  • by QMartin

Why Athletes Should Eat More Seafood

There is a big difference between “eating for survival” and “eating for performance.” When an athlete plans their diet, they obviously have to concentrate on the latter. In the end, diet is probably the most important factor for athletes, with training and exercise in second place. When you decide to adopt a performance-based diet, one…

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  • by QMartin

How Bad Nutrition Can Affect An Athlete

There are far too many athletes and bodybuilders who neglect the importance of a proper diet. It is often tempting to dismiss the effects of a big meal, thinking that you are active enough to work off the extra weight. However, this assumption is usually not correct. In the end, it all comes down to…

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  • by QMartin

Nutrition 101 For Bodybuilders

With so many different diets on the market today, it can be very difficult to choose the right one. The list is so long that we couldn’t cover it in this one article, even if we tried to do so. Instead of doing that, we will cover some of the basic principles that you can…

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Pre Workout
  • by EriFitness

Best Pre-Workout Supplements For Women

That fact that nutrition and exercise conjoined is a major contributor to overall health is without question. Whether you are on a mission to bulk up, lose weight, boost your energy level or just maintain good health, it requires discipline and consistency. That much is clear. But what some women still struggle to grasp is…

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  • by QMartin

What Is Maltodextrin?

Consumers who read the nutritional labels on their food are probably used to spotting an ingredient called “maltodextrin”. It is added to foods primarily to improve their texture and mouthfeel; for example, “light” foods with a low fat content often have an unpleasant mouthfeel, but adding maltodextrin can restore the original mouthfeel of the full-fat…

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  • by QMartin

What Is Whey Protein Isolate?

People who are athletic, involved in sports or enjoy working out at the gym need to ensure that their body gets the proper nutrients needed for healthy building of muscle mass. Protein is essential in the muscle building process, and more fitness experts and nutritionists recommend getting this protein with whey protein. What Exactly Is…

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  • by QMartin

What Is Lysine And How Does It Benefit You?

Your body needs essential amino acids to function correctly. Lysine is just one of those macronutrients that are important for your health. You might not be familiar with the name, but you can find it in a variety of proteins and supplements. These amino acids have long-reaching effects on the body. You need to have…

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  • by QMartin

What Are Medium Chain Triglycerides?

Medium Chain Triglycerides, or MCTs, are fats that naturally occur in foods like coconut oil and palm kernel oil. MCT supplements are developed in labs to provide individuals with access to the health benefits via oral or intravenous methods. MCTs differ from Long Chain Trigylcerides which are those that are found in foods like beef,…

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  • by QMartin

What Is Threonine?

What Is Threonine Anyone who has ever lifted weights has probably heard of this important principle: Amino acids act as muscle fuel. When you are trying to make your muscles grow, you must feed them, and amino acids make the best meal for a hungry muscular system. Threonine is one of these amino acids. Some…

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  • by QMartin

Low BMI: What It Means To Be Underweight

The media likes to remind us all the time that being overweight and obese is unhealthy, since these are conditions that cause a number of medical issues. But the opposite, where an individual has too low of a BMI and is considered underweight, is just as, if not more, concerning than being overweight. When you…

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  • by QMartin

What Is Micellar Casein?

What Is Casein? Casein is one of the best protein supplements around, but it is often ignored. If you know anything at all about protein supplements, you surely know that whey is by far the most popular of the bunch. However, casein comes from the same source (milk) and offers all of the same benefits.…

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How Gal Gadot’s Workout Routine Got Her Ready For Wonder Woman
  • by Gaspari Nutrition Admin

How Gal Gadot’s Workout Routine Got Her Ready For Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman is strong, powerful, and fierce. She’s the kind of superhero women around the world look up to, because she can do whatever she wants without help—most of the time. Now, while you cannot gain her superhuman strength, you can train like the real world Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot, and get the body of…

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What Is The Secret To The Tom Brady Diet?
  • by QMartin

What Is The Secret To The Tom Brady Diet?

Even if you don’t follow football, you’re surely familiar with Tom Brady. He’s a hell of an athlete, especially when you consider that he’s 42 years old, and isn’t slowing down any time soon. He absolutely deserves respect for this, and his legit skills when it comes to the game. The man’s a freight train,…

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  • by QMartin

What Is Whey Protein Concentrate?

The importance of dietary protein Protein is a macronutrient obtained from the diet. It is essential for all aspects of health, including maintaining a healthy metabolism, muscle recovery after exercise, and building muscle in response to exercise. If insufficient protein is consumed in the diet, the body starts to break down the muscles in order…

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  • by QMartin

Fitness And Nutrition For Women In Menopause

Sooner or later, every woman is going to go through menopause. That means that your body is going to change and prepare for a period of life where your reproductive abilities come to a halt. But you undergo other changes as well, and that means your nutritional and fitness needs are different than they were…

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  • by QMartin

Nutrition For Basketball Players

Basketball is an extremely demanding game. Unlike some athletes, the basketball player gets very little “downtime” during the game. Yes, there are time-outs and the like, but a game of basketball is a flurry of motion in which everyone on the court stays moving at all times. As you might guess, you need to have…

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