There is no shortage of weight-loss gimmicks on the market. Everywhere you look, there are advertisements for the latest miracle weight-loss program. Unfortunately, most of them are just as fake as their advertising. However, we may have found a legitimate weight-loss aid that is both natural and effective. It remains to be seen if this supplement is worth using. Let’s do a little research and see if we can find out.

What Is Garcinia Cambogia?

Garcinia Cambogia, also called Malabar Tamarind, is a fruit that looks like a miniature pumpkin. Because it is such a sour-tasting fruit, it is not normally eaten by itself. The fruit is found in Southeast Asia, where it has been used in certain recipes for a very long time.

The primary ingredient of this fruit is called Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA). It is the primary ingredient for our purposes because it is the ingredient that is generally believed to cause weight loss. Here, we run into a problem. HCA alone has not been shown to offer significant weight loss benefits. Take this study, which is typical. The study did find that HCA produced a slightly greater rate of weight loss in the test subjects, but the effects were not very large.

Does This Fruit Bring About Weight Loss?

It seems that this fruit does not directly produce weight loss, at least not in a significant way. Most of the research shows a slight difference, but nothing more. However, it should be noted that Garcinia Cambogia may directly influence weight when combined with green bean extract (more on that below).

Here is just one of many studies that have attempted to prove a causative link between Garcinia and weight loss. In this study, the diets of the test subjects were more or less unrestricted. Although all the test subjects lost weight, there was found to be no significant difference between the herbally treated group and the placebo group.

In particular, research seems to indicate that Hydroxycitric acid is not a good weight-loss supplement. Nearly every source seems to indicate only a small difference between treated and untreated subjects. However, there is also a lot of research to indicate that this plant does aid weight loss. HCA alone does not offer any of the appetite-suppressing benefits that can be obtained from the whole fruit extract. Therefore, it is logical to assume that the whole fruit should be used, rather than just the HCA.

So, in the end, we have only one logical conclusion. This fruit does not produce weight loss, but it does encourage weight loss in an indirect fashion. Those who have claimed HCA to be the cause of Garcinias’ weight loss benefits were probably mistaken.

How Does This Fruit Encourage Weight Loss?

In spite of some inconclusive or negative studies, this fruit does seem to encourage weight loss. For instance, let’s take a look at this study, conducted on a group of obese adults in Taiwan. Diets were not restricted in any way for this study, which is a critical detail (as you will see later).

Before reading any further, it should be noted that this study combined a dose of Garcinia Cambogia with a dose of Phaseolus Vulgaris (green bean) extract, suggesting that it might be a good idea to use these supplements together.

The obese adults in Taiwan showed a large difference between those who took the herbs and those who took a placebo. The placebo group gained weight while the treated group maintained roughly the same weight. This suggests that the test subjects over-ate when given the opportunity, but the treated subjects were prevented from gaining weight.

There is significant evidence to show that this fruit acts as an appetite suppressant. In this way, the plant can aid weight loss indirectly. Not only does it make you less likely to over-eat, but it also seems to prevent the body from storing as much fat during digestion. This study, which is pretty exhaustive, showed a significant decrease in belly fat for those treated with Garcinia.

Side Effects And Safety Concerns

There are a few safety concerns with the use of this plant. It is important to remember that traditional uses of this plant do not involve eating the whole fruit or eating large amounts.

Still, research has mostly shown this fruit to be safe. It may not taste particularly good, but it does seem to be safe for human consumption. Some studies, like this one, found that it had no side effects at all. However, some other studies are quite alarming.

It seems that this plant does have some possibility of harming your liver. In fact, regular use of this plant may even be a cause of acute liver failure. This is not the only piece of evidence on this subject, so anyone with pre-existing liver problems should avoid this supplement just to be on the safe side.

Even if you have no such issues, it is very important to stick with the recommended dosage, which will normally be printed on the container. In fact, it might even be a good idea to start with a half-dose to make sure that you aren’t allergic. The chance is small, but allergies are always a danger when working with plant medicines.


The verdict for this supplement is somewhat mixed. On the upside, extracts of this plant do seem to be effective for the encouragement of weight loss. However, it does not seem to do so in the way that most people believe. At the same time, there are some safety concerns related to the long-term use of Garcinia Cambogia. In the end, the best thing to do is use this supplement in moderation. If you have any sensitive health issues (especially if they involve the liver), you should avoid this plant. We have written this article with your safety foremost in mind, and we hope that you will follow us on Facebook for more informative articles like this one.

The post Does Garcinia Cambogia Really Help With Weight Loss? appeared first on Gaspari Nutrition.