One of the moves you should be absolutely motivated to achieve is the notoriously difficult pull-up or chin-up. Both movements are a major milestone in anyone’s fitness journey, and they will continue to be a wicked exercise in your arsenal of moves once you have them down. Even with the shared difficulty of mastering both pull-ups and chin-ups, the fitness community has been debating which one is best for years now.

With the differences between chin-ups and pull-ups, it could change how you view these exercises and decide which one is correct for you.

Let’s get started.

The Pull-Up


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The pull-up movement forces you to pull your dead weight upward towards the overhead bar. The common goal is getting your chin to go above the bar without losing your form. However, some people aim higher and touch their chest to the bar instead.

Classic pull-ups use an overhanded, or pronated, grip. The palms point out, facing away from your body. The standard placement of the hands is slightly wider than the shoulders.

The exercise works the back muscles—spinal support muscles, latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and the infraspinatus—as well as the obliques, biceps, and chest pecs.

Training Pull-Ups

There are a couple of reasons you might want to favor pull-ups over chin-ups. Those who are mountain climbers or do a lot of free movement and parkour will find that the pronated grip is transferable to more sports than underhanded grips. After all, there is not one wall or rock face where you are going to supinate your grip to climb higher.

Another scenario is if you have poor posture, hunch over, underdeveloped back muscles, and have poor flexibility in the forearms and chest.

From an aesthetic perspective, pull-ups work to get that V-shaped back that most bodybuilders aspire to achieve.

The Chin-Up

Think of a chin-up as a more intense lat pull-down. Essentially, you are doing the same thing as you would with a pull-up, but the muscle activation is slightly different. The back muscles are still active, but you work with the pecs and biceps even more with a chin-up.

General chin-ups rely on an underhanded, or supinated, grip. The palms are turned inwards, so as you pull yourself up, you see your palms. The standard hand placement is approximately shoulder-width apart.

Training Chin-Ups

People who cannot yet achieve a bodyweight pull-up will often train with chin-ups before completing their first pull-up. The reason is dependence on the pecs and biceps, which are more powerful than the traps, which are activated in the pull-up.

Chin-ups can also add workout variety since you can play around with wide grips, narrow grips, single-arm chin-ups, and other modifications.

If you want to sequence chin-ups into your workout, be sure to pair them as a superset with a bicep isolation exercise or in a tri-set. You can also finish with chin-ups after your back muscles fatigue from pull-ups.

Strength Differences

You might be able to extrapolate from what was already mentioned that chin-ups are easier to do than pull-ups because most people have stronger biceps than they have traps.

On the same note, beginners often achieve the chin-up before they can do a pull-up.

Overall, the chin-up will develop your chest and biceps without putting as much emphasis on the back muscles. Meanwhile, the pull-up works the entire back and encourages growth in the trapezius and shoulders.

Differences In Flexibility


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One of the biggest debates when it comes to pull-ups vs. chin-ups is flexibility. Many lifters spend their time outside of the gym slouched forward at a computer or another desk job. The rolled-forward shoulders caused by poor posture will limit your ability to pull your chin up towards the bar, since engaging the lats will seem impossible.

If the shoulders and lats are exceptionally tight, the chin-up will be harder to do than a pull-up. The back is unable to support the movement, so you wind up relying entirely on your biceps, and that can be difficult.

The problem can be solved with a little stretching and self-myofascial release, such as foam rolling or soft tissue work. As the muscles relax, you will have less difficulty getting your chest, biceps, and back to work as intended.

Differences In Comfort and Safety

Both chin-ups and pull-ups are safe for everyone to try, whether you are a novice or an athlete. Unless you have poor technique, that is. Proper form is a must for both exercises.

That said, the wide grip found in pull-ups can be a nuisance for beginners. Wide grip pull-ups can cause shoulder injuries, especially if you go for a very wide grip. That’s bad, and it won’t get you anywhere. An exaggerated wide grip is only hindering your range of motion and power, so never go beyond just outside of shoulder-width.

People who have a history of shoulder troubles may find that a chin-up is kinder on their shoulders than pull-ups. On the other hand, those who have wrist and forearm issues or old injuries tend to like pull-ups move.

Just remember that you need to have technique. Proper form for both exercises is going to prevent unwanted injuries from happening and help you get stronger.

Chin-Ups vs. Pull-Ups: The Bottom Line

When it comes down to debating which is best—pull-ups or chin-ups?—there is no real winner. Both exercises require you to employ technique and strength, and the muscles activated are no different in either pull-ups or chin-ups. If you are having trouble deciding which one to do, try them both out. See which grip you like best or which translates into your daily life more.

You can easily program pull-ups and chin-ups into your workout by using them as a superset or tri-set with other exercises or working on the exercises at the same time.

So, which will you choose?

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The post Battle of the Bar: Chin-Ups vs. Pull-Ups appeared first on Gaspari Nutrition.