Fitness Facts

  • by John Palmer

How To Train For A 5k On A Treadmill

Everyone needs a fitness goal. If you don’t know where to start, then why not try a 5K marathon? A 5K is equal to 5 kilometers or 3.1 miles and is the perfect distance for someone just starting out. Don’t worry about fitting the training schedule into your life either, because there are plenty of…

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  • by John Palmer

What Is The Mind-Muscle Connection?

Do you know what it means to get in the zone? It’s not just being so in tune with the muscle blasting through your earbuds that you forget everything else. There’s something called the mind-body connection, or for us gym rats, the “mind-muscle” connection, that can help you power through those days when your muscles…

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  • by John Palmer

What Are HIIT Workouts And Why You Should Do Them

You’re searching for a way to get lean, conditioned, and stronger, but you haven’t found it yet. Either the workouts aren’t tough enough, or you’re crunched for time, and nothing is working. Have you tried HIIT yet? HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training, and it is one of the latest exercise fads that actually has…

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  • by EriFitness

7 Common Yoga Injuries And How To Avoid Them

A record-breaking 30 million people are now down-dogging throughout the United States, and 14 million of those Americans were told to give yoga a try from their physician or physical therapist. The reason is solely not for the relaxation factor. Regularly practicing yoga has a host of benefits, like lowering stress levels, helping you sleep…

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  • by EriFitness

Can You Lose Fat From Just Exercising?

Weight fluctuates. That’s a fact of life. But when the waistband gets tighter or you feel like its time to slim down, you might start telling yourself, “I’ll just exercise more.” You start getting in 10,000 steps more frequently, doing crunches and push-ups in the morning, and even swap out the elevator steps. Still, the…

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  • by EriFitness

How To Lose Fat Without Losing Muscle

Here’s a fun mathematical problem for you: How do you subtract one thing but gain another? Shedding fat from your frame is not an easy feat, but losing fat while gaining muscle could be the greatest fitness challenge of your life. Yet, while losing weight and not muscle are two different goals, you can do…

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  • by John Palmer

Stretching & Exercise: Do I Really Need To Stretch After My Workouts?

Stretching is one of those things that every expert recommends, but not everyone fully explains the reasons behind this practice. Let’s begin by saying that stretching is very important, both before and after exercise. Unlike some, we will not expect you to take us at our word. We will show you a large amount of…

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  • by IronDog

Indoor Vs Outdoor: The Pros & Cons Of Your Workout Environment

Working out is hard. It’s hard to find a routine that will achieve what we want but won’t kill us. It’s hard to find the time to get a proper workout, and not rush. It’s very difficult to stick with it, to stay motivated long enough to get enough of a reward to feel propelled.…

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  • by IronDog

The Dangers Of Over-training

Although we often do not think of the body as a machine, there is no other term that would fit. Like any machine, your body can break down if it is overworked. The purpose of this article is to inform you about the dangers of over-training and to show you why it must be avoided.…

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  • by IronDog

Our List Of The Ten Best Exercises For Your Back

The back muscles don’t usually get as much attention and glory as their more visible counterparts. After all, most people have a tendency to concentrate on the obvious. Still, good back strength is essential for the health of your spine and the straightness of your posture. There are a huge number of exercises that are…

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Train Like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson: Dwayne’s Weekly Routine
  • by Gaspari Nutrition Admin

Train Like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson: Dwayne’s Weekly Routine

A great man once said, “If something stands between you and your success, move it. Never be denied.” That man happens to be an acting idol and fitness god, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Here is someone who inspires people of all ages, genders, and fitness levels around the world to get moving and never stop…

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  • by IronDog

How To Train Like A Olympic Athlete

It is almost certain that you, the reader, are not an Olympic athlete. Unless you are involved in some kind of sport at a very high level, you don’t actually need to train as hard as they do. However, one cannot help but wonder what kind of results the average person could get by applying…

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  • by EriFitness

Muscle Recovery 101

Grueling training sessions mean muscle soreness. It’s proof that you are working hard and getting stronger. It is also the body’s way of telling you that it is time for some quality rest and relaxation, because without time to recover, your body won’t heal effectively. Understanding this is the first piece of a puzzle that…

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  • by IronDog

Can I Bulk And Cut At The Same Time?

One of the oldest-running debates in the world of bodybuilding involves a method called “bulking and cutting.” A quick search of the internet will show you that bodybuilding experts are sharply divided on this subject. The subject is made even more confusing by the fact that both sides have good arguments. Both sides also have…

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Scale Taped
  • by EriFitness

7 Reasons Why You Can’t Get Ripped

You train hard. You diet. A lot of blood, sweat, and tears have been spent on trying to lean out and get ripped, but nothing is happening. If you look in the gym room mirror and don’t like the reflection’s progress, it’s time to consider whether you are doing the right training and eating the…

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  • by John Palmer

How To Get Bigger Biceps: Avoid These Common Mistakes

Who doesn’t want an impressive set of biceps? Let’s face it, impressing those around you is part of what motivates you to train. Because of their high visibility, nothing impresses quite like a set of huge biceps. However, it can be very difficult to obtain those elusive superhero arms that you’ve always wanted. With this…

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  • by John Palmer

Tabata Training – Can You Survive 4 Minutes?

Tabata training is a different take on the high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that has been popular in the fitness community for years. As the name implies, HIIT training is tough. It focuses on short bursts of highly strenuous activity followed by short rest periods. It is not for the faint of heart, but it does…

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  • by John Palmer

Train Like “The Governator”: Arnolds Most popular workout

Arnold Schwarzenegger, an icon in the fitness and movie worlds, has been pushing the limits of bodybuilding and working out for many years. In the spirit of a fitness role model, as well as the upcoming Arnold Sports Festival, including the Arnold Strongman USA competition, that is annually held in Ohio, we’re introducing the Governator’s…

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